HomeLibriCommunicating Europe in Italy, opera collettiva, eum

Communicating Europe in Italy, opera collettiva, eum


 Communicating Europe in Italy, opera collettiva, eumNote sul testo

How can we communicate what the Europe lnstitutions do, here in ltaly? Who are the principal players when it comes to managing and disseminating European information? What are the shortcomings and opportunities involved? These are the questions dealt with in this book, which has been written in response to the growing needs of EU citizens for information and transparency in the conduct of European lnstitutions and the political world in general. By drawing upon first-hand accounts, it explores and critically evaluates the European lnstitutions’ various means of communication and the ability of the ltalian information system to familiarize EU citizens with such questions and expand their knowledge. This is a Europe seen with different eyes, a reading which gathers together contributions from representatives of European and national institutions, from academia and the world of professional journalism.
Note sull’autore

Lucia D’Ambrosi is assistant professor at the University of Macerata. She is the author of numerous books and articles on issues concerning public communication, participatory processes and new technologies.

Andrea Maresi has been responsible since 2012 for media of the European Parliament in ltaly. Earlier he worked at the European Commission’s Spokesperson’s service and at the European Parliament in Brussels. He is a journalist since 2005.

Gianni Pittella and Roberta Angelilli, Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament, Greetings

Luigi Lacchè, Rector of the University of Macerata, Preface

Lucia D’Ambrosi and Andrea Maresi, Introduction

First Part. Communication Within the European Union: Strategies and Tools for Interaction
Roberto Santaniello, European Policies and Communication Strategies. A Historical and Political Overview
Laura Massoli, Public Communication in the European Union: Meanings, Capacities and Challenges
Anna Maria Villa, Communicating Europe at National Level: Actors, Strategies and Means
Enrico Maria Mayrhofer, EU Lobbying as a Strategic Communication Tool

Second Part. European Institutions and Citizens for a Participative Democracy
Jaume Duch Guillot, Communicating European Democracy Within the Member States
Lucia D’Ambrosi, Citizens and European Institutions: Opportunities for Dialogue and Cooperation
Andrea Maresi, How the European Parliament Communicates with Citizens
Raffaella De Marte, The European Institutions on Social Media

Third Part. EU Information: the Main Communication Stakeholders
Anna Piras, Filling the Communication Gap Between Italy and Europe
Giampiero Gramaglia, European Information in Italy: Quality not Quantity
Francesco Guarascio, The European Commission Press Room. How News is Generated
Paolo Saraca Volpini, The Role of the Ghostwriter in the European Institutions
Beda Romano, A Look at How Italian Newspapers Cover EU Affairs

The Authors

Giampiero Gramaglia, nato a Saluzzo (Cn) nel 1950, è un noto giornalista italiano. Svolge questa professione dal 1972, ha lavorato all'ANSA per ben trent'anni e attualmente continua a scrivere articoli per diverse testate giornalistiche. Puoi rimanere connesso con Giampiero Gramaglia su Twitter


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